
Monday, April 23, 2012

Anti-Stress: Quiz

Anti-Stress: Quiz

Stress can affect your health in significant ways. While this test is not meant to replace an assessment from your doctor, it can give you an idea of whether your level of stress may be impacting your health, and to what degree. More importantly, after completing this quick 15-question self test, you'll find information explaining how stress affects health, and important resources for creating a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Question: Do you find yourself 'eating emotionally': eating unhealthy foods or eating when you’re not hungry, as a response to stress or difficult feelings?
No, I eat a healthy diet, and only eat when hungry.
I admit I've binged on the occasional Hagen Daz, but it's not a regular occurrence.
Yes, I have to admit that my diet is pretty unhealthy

Question: Do you find yourself sweating excessively when you're not exercising?
Sometimes, when I'm particularly stressed, but not often.
Yes, it happens fairly regularly.

Question: Do you ever have trouble sleeping?
Rarely or never.
Sometimes I'll have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting quality sleep.
Yes, I pretty often have trouble with sleep quality, or with falling and staying asleep.

Question: Are you experiencing any digestive problems, such as indigestion, IBS, or ulcers?
I get the occasional stress-related stomach ache, but nothing too regular.
Yes, I'm experiencing pretty regular digestive problems.

Question: Are you suffering from burnout, anxiety disorders or depression?
I don’t know.
Question: Are you taking care of yourself?
Yes, I take good care of my body and soul.
I don't have as much time for self care as I'd like, but I'm doing okay.
No, I really take care of myself as well as I need to.

Question: Do you have a supportive social network, and take time for relationships in your life?
Yes. My friends and family help a lot with stress.
Somewhat. I have a few close relationships and can talk to people if something's really bothering me, but don't have as much time for relationships as I'd like.
No, I have few close friends or supportive family ties, or I don't have time to devote to the people I could be close with.
Question: Are you getting regular exercise?
Yes. I lead an active lifestyle and exercise at least three times per week.
Sort of. I get some exercise throughout the day, or I go to the gym a couple times a week.
No. I live a sedentary lifestyle and don't go to the gym regularly.

Question: Do you find yourself smoking and/or drinking to excess as a way to deal with stress?
I do one of those things, but it's not a big problem for me.
Yes, and to be honest, I know it can't be good for me.
Question: Do you often find yourself with tension headaches?
No. I've had them before, but not often.
Sort of. I get them once a month or so.
Yes, I struggle with them regularly.

Question: Are you having trouble maintaining a healthy weight? Or, are you carrying excessive abdominal fat?
No, I'm within 10 pounds of my 'ideal' weight.
To a degree. I struggle with diet like many people, but it's not too much of a problem.
Yes: I've put on much more weight than I'm comfortable with / I can't keep weight on / My problem area is my abdomen.
Question: Are you easily irritated lately?
No, I'm pretty even-tempered. It takes quite a bit to get me flustered.
Somewhat. I find I have less patience than I'd like, but it's not a problem in my life.
Yes. I find myself snapping at people out of frustration, or having a low threshold for dealing with annoyances.

Question: How often have you missed work in the last year due to actual illness?
Maybe once.
Two to three times.
Four times or more.
Question: Do you often feel fatigued at the end of a day?
Not too much. I'm ready for sleep at night, but I do have energy in the evenings.
Somewhat. I come home and need to rest for a while before I can do activities in the evenings.
Yes. In fact, I'm often fatigued by the MIDDLE of the day.
Question: Do you have a feeling that stress may be affecting your health?
Not really. I'm just taking this test for fun.
Possibly. I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be shocked if it were true.
Yes. In fact, I'd be surprised if stress WEREN'T affecting my health.
P.S. If your answer is mostly A you're good in handling stress and keep up the good work.
       If your answer is mostly B you're in good shape and you are most likely experiencing minimal
       consequences to your health as a result of stress-related physical responses.
       If your answer is mostly C you have to work a lot more on handling your stress levels healthily.

After you have answer the quiz, post your results at the comments column to let us know how well you can handle stress. Thank you.

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